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The common problems of car paint film solution (a)
Time:2014-07-30 Click:

Shrinkage (fisheye)

Phenomenon: the punctate distribution of small pit oil coating surface, forming a volcano shaped oil pit bottom, sometimes visible substrate.
Cause: the substrate removal of oil, grease removal, wax removal is not thorough; Compressed Air China and Taiwan have dirt or moisture; in cold wet film set or contamination by drying process.
Prevention: before spraying shall be thoroughly cleaned of oil; regular inspection helmet oil-water separator and air pressure machine drainage; not in the spraying workshop or containing silicone baking room use.
Correction: the shrinkage hole number not much point and the area is lesser, can be polished to remove; number, should be polished smooth and re spraying; spray layer, such as the discovery of a shrinkage, can add 5% g of water prevention.

Phenomenon: the coating surface appear as small pits a needle shaped, sometimes deep and intermediate coating.
Cause: the stomatal atomic ash surfaces such as hardening agent: insufficient mixing, scraping is not correct or the use of expired atomic ash induced stomatal produced using homes; low boiling point solvent too much thinner, caused the film surface dry speed too fast, the underlying solvent is not easy to escape; spraying baking too too thick;
Prevention: completely and fully mixed putty; adopts coating technique correctly, putty scraping action frequency should not be too much, scraping putty knife and the substrate surface to the correct angle (typically 60 degrees angle}; spray paint or paint spraying, shoulds not be too thick; note that depending on the construction temperature and air flow environment, select the appropriate diluent; drying should be cool for 10-15 minutes, then gradually heating baking.
Correct: completely polished defective coating or putty to fill cavities, eliminating pinholes, re coating.
Prickly heat (solvent foam)

Phenomenon: in the new spraying and just used the dry paint appears dense convex vesicle.
Cause: a primer or intermediate layer of paint on the spray paint and baking; coating spraying too thick, and between the layers and interval time is short; the use of quick drying curing agent and diluent; before baking, static volatile time is insufficient, the baking temperature is too high; pickling workpiece neutralization is not thorough, acid coated residue on the workpiece.
Prevention: confirm the bottom dry rear can spray paint; using the correct spraying method, drying temperature and give the film static volatile enough time; use the appropriate curing agent and diluent; complete removal of residual acid to the surface of a workpiece.
Correction: the grinding of the coating, the solvent to remove all global, re coating.

Phenomenon: the film surface appear to muster with rules arranged dots.
Cause: before spraying substrate moisture not Shuimo fully dry or clean; summer spraying, the operator hand touching the bottom material, the use of the base material containing water sweat; air compressor or pipeline; construction in high humidity environment.
Prevention: dry thoroughly remove the substrate surface water and spraying equipment of water; to avoid direct contact with hands was coated on the surface of substrate; changing the construction environment, avoid the construction in high humidity conditions.
Correct: polish coating range problem, re coating.

Phenomenon: in the spraying or in the drying process, surface soluble pancreatic I mainly on vertical surface coating flow down by) appear on the accumulation, namely the sagging phenomenon.
Cause: spraying method is not correct, take the gun slowly, a spray too thick; wet touch wet spraying interval time is short; the diluent adding excess, spray too low viscosity; construction in winter or the northern region environment, paint, substrate temperature is too low, or curing, choose slow dry diluent. Cause film drying too slowly; the nozzle (diameter) is not correct or incorrect spraying pressure.
Prevention: in accordance with the paint work explaining the method of spraying construction; improve the spraying construction in low temperature environment, not the environment; improve the operator's skills, according to the workpiece size, determine the spraying distance and walking speed gun.
Correct: mild sagging can use grinding and polishing treatment; a serious flow linked, must be polished smooth after drying and re spraying.
Orange peel

Phenomenon: the new spray paint leveling the film surface flow, like orange peel.
Cause: in accordance with the paint with paint or technical data; the thinner or improper selection of curing agent, surface dry too fast; spraying method is not correct, take the gun distance too far or too close; bottom material grinding is not sufficient; standing time is insufficient, premature heating or baking.
Prevention: in accordance with the paint with paint or technical information construction; polishing substrate correctly; according to the construction environment, the correct choice of curing agent or diluent and go gun distance; before baking, given enough quiet time.
Correct: slight orange peel can be removed by polishing; if the situation is serious, should be polished smooth and re spraying.
Dry spray (powder)

Phenomenon: the new spray paint film is bonded on the surface of a layered like paint particles of sand particles. General in the spray primer / painting more seen in.
Cause: all thinner drying too fast; spraying method is not correct, the spraying distance too far or air pressure too high; nozzle is too small or spray atomization are dirty.
Prevention: according to the construction environment, air velocity, the correct choice of diluents; spraying technology correctly; every day to thoroughly clean the spraying tool, and check for damage.
Correct: appears in the bottom coating can be polished; if appears in the finish coating, can be polished.
White / fog

Phenomenon: the paint in the construction or in the process of drying, the film appears milky white mist, self drying type products or double component products can appear this kind of phenomenon.
Cause: the construction of environment temperature or the temperature of the workpiece is too low temperature construction environment is too high. Diluent volatile drying too fast; it is not in contact with moisture or film, acid rain, water resistance
Prevention: improve the spraying environment, avoid the construction in cold wet weather; choose slow dry a little thinner; selection of anti chemical resistance, strong water paint; the addition of appropriate amount of white water, extend the time to surface.
The clouds / silver flower

Phenomenon: the emergence of new spray coating depth, light and shade change for the color difference or silver arranged irregularly, like scaly phenomenon.
Cause: the selection of the appropriate diluent, dry speed too slow; spraying method is not correct, press not all, spray coating is too thick, the pressure is too big or too small, standing time is short; the gun nozzle is too large, out of the oil is too large; the paint itself reasons, the construction of poor, slow drying, easy floating color etc..
Prevention: by spraying method correctly, that the construction can be referenced to paint; according to the construction environment and spraying the workpiece size, the correct choice of diluents; using the spray gun and air pressure machine suitable; choosing paint construction of good.
Correction: in the paint is completely dry, grinding smooth, re coating.

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